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Helicoidal tubes are made of steel from metal coils. They have various uses in constructions as piers, bridges, platforms, pipelines.


Our tubes are of great resistance as they are welded internally and externally by submerse arc and without circumference seams, since they are produced from coils and on the length desired by the costumer. 

We produce helicoidal tubes from a diameter of 600mm to 3000mm on a plate of 6mm to 19mm.


To solve logistic problems associated to the use of helicoidal tubes, our team developed and produced FAMTHE – Helicoidal Tubes Mobile Factory.



Helical Tubes in the yard of Memps.


The Liquified Natural Gas Regasification Flexible Terminal at Guanabara’s Bay (RJ), implanted by Petrobras objectives to increase the source of natural gas supply in Brazil, to meet the demand of thermoeletric plants.


We produce metallic casings (tubes made in steel plates), that give support to the pier besides other auxiliary structures to your construction.

Guanabara Bay Flexible Terminal (RJ)

Port of Vila do Conde is very important for the movimentation of products in the aluminum and liquid fuel industries.

We were part of the construction of this complex placed in the margins of Marajó’s Bay.

We produced metallic casings (tubes made in steel plates) that are placed and concreted to give support to the pier.

Vila do Conde Port Terminal in Bacarena (PA )

Pier IV is part of Vale and was built to expand logistic conditions of the North region of Brazil. It integrates a boarding line that supports the greatest ships in the world.⠀


We were responsible for producing metallic casings and we fabricated and assembled Cantitraveller, an equipment that helps on the construction of piers and bridges. We also provided the in-house production gantries to move loads apart from new metallic structures. 

Pier IV at Ponta da Madeira Terminal in São Luís (MA)

Rio Negro Bridge is 400 meters long and it is the second largest fluvial bridge in the world. It was built to the extension of Zona Franca de Manaus (Free Economic Zone of Manaus) allowing a greater development of the area. 

We produced helicoidal tubes made in steel plates, which are placed in the bottom of the river and cemented later to give support to the whole structure. 

Rio Negro Bridge in Manaus (AM)

Maracanã Bridge, São Luís - MA

Work Paulino Neves, Maranhão

Bridge in Pericumã, Maranhão

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+ 55 (98) 3269 - 3900



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